Industrial Conveyor Belt

Industrial Conveyor Belt

Darshini Engineers is a leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Industrial Conveyor Belt in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Industrial Belt Conveyor are employed for conveying various bulk and unit loads along horizontal or slightly inclined paths and for transporting articles between various operations in production flow lines. They have found wide application in all branches of industry and are the main means of mechanical transport;

  • in foundry shops (supply and distribution of molding sands and removal of wastes)
  • in fuel-supply systems of electric power stations, for under ground and surface transport of coal and gangue in coal industry
  • for delivery of ores, coke and fluxes in metal making industries 
  • for transfer of building materials, fossil minerals, grain, sand, stone etc.
Industrial Conveyor Belt

Since 1999

We are the Leaders in Providing Top Quality
Telescopic Belt Conveyor